
Hideaki Ura (pronounced HEE-DAY) is a Japanese pianist/composer/arranger, currently based in Fukuoka. He was born in Nagasaki in 1994.

He studied piano at Yamaha Music School from the age of four, composition at seven, and jazz music at 10. While he was at the Yamaha Music School, he studied with Hatsuko Ishizuka and Osamu Kajitani.

In 2017, Hideaki matriculated at Berklee College of Music. He studied music theory, orchestration and composition with Arnold Friedman and Tamar Diesendruck and piano and composition with Vadim Neselovskyi.

In 2019, Hideaki was selected as the Yamaha Music Scholar by the Yamaha Music Foundation. Since then, he has given many performances in the United States and Japan, both while still a student.

Hideaki graduated from Berklee College of Music in May 2020 and HideaKey released his 1st EP "Intersection after Illusion" under Ubuntu Music(UK) and Ellora Management. The EP received a great response and the music was praised from all quarters. Especially, legend Ahmad Jamal called Hideaki a "genius" and praised him for being a leader in the music industry in the future.

In 2024, Hideaki moved his base of operations from the United States to Fukuoka, where he continues to be active, including appearing at Nakasu Jazz 2024, one of the largest jazz festivals in Japan.

浦 秀朗は、現在福岡を拠点に活動する1994年長崎生まれの日本のピアニスト、作・編曲家である。


2017年、バークリー音楽大学に入学。クラシック作曲科を首席で卒業し、Arnold Friedman氏、Tamar Diesendruck氏に音楽理論、オーケストレーション、作曲を、Vadim Neselovskyi氏にピアノと作曲を学ぶ。


浦は2020年5月にバークリー音楽大学を卒業し、Ubuntu Music(UK)とEllora Managementの下、1st EP”Intersection after Illusion”をリリース。同EPは大きな反響を呼び、その音楽性は各方面から絶賛された。特に巨匠Ahmad Jamal氏はHideaKeyを「天才」と称し、今後の音楽業界のリーダーとなると絶賛した。
